Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I was recently interviewed for an Australian radio documentary about Landmark.

An Australian fan of the reform work recommended me to the documentary producer for my perspectives.

Those of you in Australia can find the original link to the radio broadcast here: http://abc.com.au/rn/geo/backgroundbriefing/stories/2009/2581348.htm

Outside of Australia, there is a copy of the program at: http://www.culthelp.info/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=6015&Itemid=1\2



1 comment:

abdlomax@yahoo.com said...

You were heard, ML. I'm in the Introduction Leader Program and we were shown a video of a Forum Leader addressing the last ILP tranche about the reinvention of the enterprise. The purpose of Landmark is now clearly defined as "listening to and reliably delivering that which makes a difference to people..." and very explicitly, the Introduction Leader training now emphasizes that our business is not "registering people into courses." That is only something that we do as one activity, it is not the goal.

The Introduction format and the accompanying commentary have been revised to emphasize that the goal is the full satisfaction of guests and customers, and an experience of "pressure" is far from satisfying.

The hazard of sole reliance on "measures" -- i.e., guests and registrations -- is recognized and known.

Alternate measure data, as to satisfaction, is possibly being collected, from guest surveys, but I've not seen analysis of this.

Landmark is a huge ship, not easily centrally controlled; it can take time to turn.

Thanks for your courage, clarity, and patience, ML. May your assisting/leading be filled with joy and wonder and your invitations powerful and effective.